Inspired by100 yr old \240Native American Rugs Navajo Rugs

I began painting about a year ago. And it has become an integral part of my life. The act of self expression that goes beyond linguistic pretenses, enables me to capture in an abstract sense the true essence of my perceptibility. Otherwise ineffable, becomes tangible and graspable in the realist sense. Although not quite concrete, artistic endeavors \240partially captures my reality, as close to a factual representation of the way I see the world.

That being said, it is not possible to capture more than what is known to our senses and this includes our mental faculties. Emphasizing a truth or fact about reality, that people see the world not as the things that exists in themselves but only as ideas or representation of the object or subject that is at the center of ones awareness. This ever changing focal point is nothing more than the idea of what it is that we are so sure to have seen! What I am getting

About a year ago I started my journey as a painter type artist before that I started making music and I was in my mid-20s

You may need to meet yourself to find something Else in your life that can replace the unproductive habits that arise with time. The more tulmutous the river ride means there is more of capture as artistic expression. Like a catalyst in a reaction, the emotional and social agents invoke the inner most creative to step forth into its seat in your reality. How I like to imagine or personify my personality.

NoRealValueSystem( NRVS) in his element. Taking mental representations and switching gears, so what’s in his head becomes tangible, real, and helps him move ahead.

Artistic endeavors are more than just creative expressions or money moves. What happens is the artistic endeavors transform the range of authentic possiblites that can be acted upon and purposefully chosen as integral accents in ones life being. Plainly stated, doing art gives people the choice to a

dopt an artists identity. Giving people not typically branded as A professional the opportunity to experience what it is life to be viewed by others, especially by ones immediate social groups the respect normally preserved for the working majority. This, is essential to the creation of a sound and healthy society, especially as the range of working class opportunities begin to dwindle ris gives you the choice to take on a new identity, which then opens up new opportunities, and an escape from living in a narrative to living out a narrative.

Do art, just because…55