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Bear Creek, Lakewood, CO

The timing was perfect. It was a rare day in that I was exhausted despite the fact I sat at a desk inside for a quarterly meeting all day. I had worked out hard the day before, so my shoulders, glutes, hamstrings and hips were sore. I fell asleep in my work clothes around 4 as soon as I got home. Upon awaking I realized I never turned my alarm on to get up for my yoga class... lots of contemplation and inner strength gave me the guts to put shoes on and take the dogs out for a little walk.

The little walk turned into the best adventure we’ve had in months. With no agenda and one of the most beautiful afternoons, we set out. We started off the usual path of sidewalk around the apartment complex. Even knowing the creek is basically our backyard, concrete seemed more reasonable. My disdain for the “outside” kicks in when i have choices to stay away from pollen, mosquitoes, being in the sun too long, other people enjoying nature, etc.

We ran into a large German Shepherd we had never seen before guarding what seemed to be a mile long fence along the walkway. To avoid any conflict, we turned around and walked the other way. This path lead us straight to the creek. We walked down towards the dirt path rather than the paved one and it flooded our brains with memories of how healing and calming and therapeutic nature can be. Dang... maybe I need to get outside more, change my mind about the hating sunshine thing. I mostly thought about Howard Schultz and how he left Starbucks recently. \240He wrote such an inspiring letters to us, his Starbucks partners. I was thinking about all of the amazing things it said about leading through the lens of humanity. He is one incredible person.

As we walked by this field of straight POLLEN, it made for a good photo op. We set the iPhone camera to portrait mode, Geist modeled as I snapped away. I’ve learned to just hit the button until my finger hurts and then decide on the best photos later. I learned in yoga that they take videos and then screen shot the best moment of their pose for Instagram! Tricksters!! You didn’t hold that flying squirrel pose on the tip of Mt. Kilamanjaro! It was all editing! But I gave the idea a shot with this photo shoot...then it was Chip’s turn when we got down to the creek. Yes, their leashes are on. They don’t come off in public. I love them too much to literally let the leash go. I don’t want them to even think about walking ten feet away. My love can’t extend that far and I will not lose it. It ruins the esthetic of the picture, but honestly you should get over it.