Unusual toilet notice??

Made my way to the South coast in good time. Got a bottle of water and five pound compensation for ferry delay! Hurrah! Currently sat in the void between check in and security in big queue! Shaun happy.

Fecking van search again, although the old boy was fairly chilled about things. Took one of my bags and put it through a scanner and scanned me too! Then sat in another bloody queue for ages before eventually making it onto the ‘Titanic’. Found cabin in reasonably good time. Had a bit of a wander round before having a snack and aperitif. Tired now. Chick on the PA said we would land about half five tomorrow. Will look at sorting a park up in Bilbao for the night.

Contemplated the posh restaurant for three seconds. Got a microwave meal and a vino instead. Too tired to watch ‘the entertainment’ and retired to my deluxe cabin at nine ish. Bought some premium WiFi to liaise with LB but this cut out just as she was in a mid ‘Raunds rant’!!
Night all.