Got very cold so put on the diesel heater which was lovely & toasty. Decided to turn it off when we were ready to go to sleep - big mistake as when we tried to put it on at 3 am it wouldn’t go. Tried to get Brian out of bed to give the pump a tap but surprise, surprise, he wouldn’t do it. So therefore we froze for the rest of the night. Then we discovered the gas bottle we thought was half full was in fact empty, thankfully the other bottle was full. So a quick changeover was needed there. Next, the lights suddenly went out (12 volt); we thought - is someone telling us to go home.
All these things were rectified easily so off we went on our 2nd day
Headed towards Loxton where the bakery does g/f pies. (Which are pretty good). Had an early lunch then headed toward Overland Corner where we were planning to stay the night. Even though we used google maps we managed to get ourselves a little lost on a couple of occasions - Loxton does not have great road signage we discovered.
Finally arrived here and settled in behind the pub. The pub is an old fashioned country pub that has the reputation of being haunted.
Met up with another couple, Jon & Bev who pulled in the same time as us. Had a nice little afternoon drink or two with them then arranged to meet them for dinner
When we met up with them Bev handed Brian a little goodie bag for his birthday. We had a lovely night with them but they head home to Adelaide tomorrow so we won’t see them again.
Back in the van now, diesel heater working very well & time to go to sleep

There is supposed to be a ghost in the left hand corner of this photo, unfortunately the photo doesn’t show it very well

Camp site at Overland Corner. The pub is behind the van over the hill.

Front door of the pub

Jon & Bev, some new mates

The birthday show bag & contents

Brian’s birthday card from Jon & Bev