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I am a Bengali and a foodie. I like to call myself BongApetite. I not only love to eat food but also love to cook food and experiment with food.

I am now based in, Doha, Qatar. Now, the entire world is running through the Coronavirus crisis. Me too battling the same situation.

All shops are closed and can’t go out. What to do know? I miss my country often mainly when comes to food. Bengal is known for its food, culture and diversity. Sweets are famous in the whole world especially Rosogolla.

Rosogolla is a sweet made from Chana. You can watch Rosogolla movie and get to know how it became famous and who is the inventor. By the way, inventor is Nabin Chandra Das. His home is still located in Kumartuli and one can visit his home.

Any way, I was craving for another mishti, Chanar Jilipi. You can’t find this in Qatar.

In this lockdown situation, to make my mind fresh ,I made this sweet. It’s very easy and a mouthwatering sweet. Once you pour \240into your mouth, it starts melting. If anyone need receipe , do comment.

Now a days , I am experimenting with different types of sweets.Lots more to come . Good night and stay safe everyone.