I-91, Wethersfield, CT 06109, USA

So it begins...the morning sunrise outside of Hartford.

After many days, weeks, dare I say months of planning (and hoping!) I hit the road. My 5:30 alarm got my quickly on the road, leaving Andover CT after a great Christmas with my family. As I descending down my parents hill, I quickly looked to my left. There was the moon along with the sunrise, greeting me on this new day and bidding me goodbye and good luck. It was time to go. In eleven hours I would be in Columbus Ohio, exhausted from day one and dreaming of the California coastline.

Night one sunset in Columbus:

Olive Garden Italian Restaurant

Joplin MO and the Olive Garden

Day 2 is complete! Yesterday was hard! Eleven hours in the car. Snow squalls for about 3 hours in Pennsylvania. I was so tired last night I ate dried cereal while laying down in bed.

Today I did see a few sights though! First stop was in Casey IL. A small town that prides itself on big things! Like this giant chair:

I was excited to make another stop in St. Lois MO to see the Gateway Arch. It was symbolic to me standing there looking at the gateway to the west after I just crossed the Mississippi River.

After another long day of driving, tonight I’m treating myself to Olive Garden! Still going to eat in bed.