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4 days out and the final touches are being added! Flying out on Sunday!

Melbourne Airport

The adventure begins! 21 hours is all that stands between us and our first stop - London.


First day in London started early with our flight landing at 6:30 in the morning 😒

Wasting no time we started exploring London, starting at monument station we walked all way around to Big Ben and the Parliament House were we had our first beer!


Started off in Winchester this morning and started walking towards Buckingham palace. We made friends with squirrels in Hyde park and spent the afternoon at the natural history mueseum. Decided to finish the day off with a beer in the London district of Soho.... inevitably it turned into a few more. Tomorrow off to Edinburgh, Scotland.


Yesterday we left bright and early from kings cross station. It was haggis on the menu as we arrived in Edinburgh with Jackson unable to pass up the infamous Scottish dish.

We explored our way around the city, fitting in as many sites as we could. Edinburgh castle and the royal mile, as well as Scott's monument and st Giles Cathedral.

We thought we'd finish the night off with a couple of beers and a feed at the hostel but that quickly changed as our roommates dragged us out to explore the Edinburgh nightlife. Sore heads this morning.

This morning we're on our way to the royal Edinburgh show!

St Andrews

It was short and sweet but it was a move from the city to the country yesterday as we departed Edinburgh. We made the journey by bus to the annual Royal Highland Show which showcased livestock, farming and all things Scottish.

It was there that we met up with a lovely couple named Gordon and Leslie who were kind enough to take us in and treat us to dinner and a bed at their beautiful farm house in saint Monans.

Today we borrowed their car and took a trip out to St Andrews where we visited the renowned Old Golf Course and toured the St Andrews Castle as well as the old mines that lie beneath.

After once again being treated to dinner, Gordon decided to take Jackson and myself up amongst the crops with wine glass in hand to view the most beautiful sunset at 10.30pm!!

Tomorrow we head towards the Scottish highlands with the little Toyota Corolla that Leslie and Gordon were kind enough to lend us for the next week. Let's hope we don't get lost..... or then again, maybe that's the point!

Loch Ness

We started our road trip yesterday with the intention of getting as far north as we could. Leaving from Stenton Farm in Saint Monans we made our way up towards Inverness stopping numerous times along the way. We made a small detour to the town of Aberfeldy where we took a minute to check out Loch Tay.

It was all about the journey not the destination as the views on the trip went unrivalled to just about anything we had seen before.

When we eventually did reach the destination, it didn’t disappoint either. A lodge right on the bank of Loch Ness was the accomodation for the night. We spent it by a fire and playing pool with some Germans, drinking some of their finest Scotch whisky.


Yesterday, we started driving west towards the Isle of Skye. It seems no matter where you travel in Scotland, the scenery stays picturesque. Along our travels we couldn't help but stop multiple times. Stops for castles, stops for waterfalls, stops for highland cows. We took our sweet time.

Eileen Donan Castle

Climbing waterfalls

Highland cow farm

Eventually we did reach the Isle of Skye via a bridge that ran from the Kyle of Lochalsh. We threw on our walking shoes and went up the biggest hill we could find. The hiking destination was called the Old Man of Storr and the views didn't dissapoint.

Today we move back down south towards the Trossachs


After leaving Skye we drove towards fort william and onwards to Glencoe where we took one of the most scenic drives in the UK. Truely spectacular.

Our drive finished in a small town called Crianlarich in the north of the Trossachs. A town which serves as a stopover for hikers partaking in the West Highland Way. A gruelling 5 to 7 day hike from Glasgow to Fort William. We took our own little hike through a pine forest nearby and finished off with a beer on the house at the local tavern. Still unsure as to why it was on the house... perhaps we exagggerated the size of the hike we had done 🤔

In the morning we took another nice drive along Loch Lomond heading south. We stopped at a little village called Luss where we searched through the graveyard for potential ancestors.

Another stop in Stirling to explore the castle and the history that accompanies it. It was a really eye opening experience and we learnt so much about the true nature of Scotland that existed hundreds of years ago.

Now we are back at our home away from home at Stenton Farm. A couple nights here and then we will be on our way to meet up with the latecomers in London.

PS. We're going to miss little Bobbin


It has been a while since the last post and that comes with good reason! We had about four or five days split between Edinburgh and London in which we recharged our batteries and then drained them again. Recharged and drained and so on and so on. We spent less time sightseeing and more time socialising with both friends of old and new. we had the arrival of a number of friends from home and we met up with a number of new-found friends that we had met on our travels. Long nights and worse for wear mornings was the trend of our week.

With that out of the way though, we are back on track! Not only with a new city and a new country but also with a new member on the team. After meeting up with the crew in London, Michael has joined our tour of Europe!

The past couple of days have been spent in Paris. We spent the first day in the northern area of Paris where we saw the Moulin Rouge and we toured the Sacre Coeur. The inside is even more spectacular than the interior but unfortunately they did not allow cameras.

It was here we were exposed to one of the downfalls of the spectacular city. With such a number of unbelievable attractions, there is always some people who want to take advantage of the presence of tourists. As we approached the cathedral we were cornered by a number of men with strings who grabbed our arms and tried to bind the string around our wrist. We managed to break free but not without a sufficent amount of force. We later learned that this is a tactic employed for a number of reasons. Firstly, once they bind this string around your wrist they then demand payment of it. Secondly, the other couple of men take advantage of the distraction and attempt to pickpocket you. It was a bit of an eye-opener coming from the UK and we have all changed our alertness accordingly.

The second day was a busy one. We made our way down to the Seine River and did a huge amount of walking in an attempt to fit in as many attractions as we could. I'll tell you what, the Parisians have gone for quantity as well as quality in this aspect. I think we did pretty well.

All that walking, wasn't without a few pit-stops. We took our breaks as a chance to eat like kings. There's only one way to do it in Paris 😉

It is unlikely to be the last we see of Paris as there's a good chance we will be back in a few weeks time but for now it's goodbye.... or should i say 'Au Revoir'. We're off to Bordeaux tomorrow.


We've spent the past few days travelling south through France with our first destination being Bordeaux. The train travel has actually been a really great way to get around

When discovering that Bordeaux is the home of wine, we couldn't pass up the oppurtunity to go the the world's largest wine mueseum, La Citè Du Vin. The experience was completed with a complimentary wine tasting overlooking the city.... Needless to say, we have embraced French wine culture.

The city itself is as elegant as it gets. Just as beautiful as Paris but without all the hustle and bustle of tourists. It has been the perfect way for us to explore France as the locals do.

A home cooked meal from our resident Masterchef Jackson to close out our Bordeaux experience and we were on our way to Spain.

We took a stop in Toulouse to break the trip up which proved to be potentially not the greatest idea considering it's around 38 degrees here! Still we did our best to see as much as we could and once again had some more French cuisine that would put a tear in Gordon Ramsay's eye. It turned out to be a worthwhile stopover, even in the heat, because after all, how can you beat that sunset?

Barcelona, bright and early tomorrow morning!

La Sagrada Familia

We hit the ground running as soon as we got to Barcelona. Our hostel was in a perfect location, being about a 5-10 minute walk to the beach.

We spent our first afternoon in the Gothic Quarter. We discovered that Barcelona is very distinctly built into districts which very accurately represent the time period that they were established. The Gothic Quarter is filled with ancient roman architecture from around 500AC. Walking through felt like a journey back in time. From the cathedrals to the streets itself, it felt like we had stepped right out of a time machine.

Afternoons and nights were spent people watching on the beach with a beer in hand and plenty of tapas on the table. It didn't bother the girls on the beach whether they wore a top or not and to be completely honest, it didn't bother us too much either.

Our second day was spent following in the footsteps of Antoni Gaudi, a world famous architect of the late 1800's/early 1900's. We made our way through countless of his masterpieces spread throughout the city.

Casa Batllo

Casa Mila

Parc Guell

None more iconic than La Sagrada Familia. Construction started in the late 1800s and almost 150 years later it is still being built. Photos do not do it justice. The size, the structure and the intricacy of the finer details add up to one breathtaking building.

La Sagrada Familia

Our last night was a big fiesta in one of the biggest clubs in the city and now I think we are all in need of a siesta. Not sure if we'll get it. We're on our way to Nice in the French Riviera to meet up with the girls. Could be another long night installed. It's sad to say adios to Barcelona but as they say 'places to be, people to see'. Until next time 🤙

French Riviera

Nice was our base as we explored the French Riviera. Our few days of relaxation were filled with sleep-ins, midnight swims and beers on the beach. It was a welcome change being able to hop in the ocean to escape the heat! The beach itself was very different however, being entirely composed of pebbles - no sand in sight!

The train ride into the French Riviera was as panoramic as it comes and the location itself was as luxurious as it comes. The new town was fresh and vibrant and the old town was classic and historical. Performers roamed the streets creating background music every step we took.

It was the perfect spot to settle down for a bit and meet up with the girls but now we have moved on and are having a little taste of Italy. Milan is our home for a day or two.


Our little taste of Italy was in fact a big taste, as we ate just about enough pizza to sink a gondola. Milan, widely considered the fashion capital of the world, was indeed lavish. We spent time strolling through the eccentric malls, window shopping at the items well out of reach of budget travellers such as ourselves.

On our first day we explored the Sforza Castle, a 14th century castle, something we didn't exactly expect to see in a city like Milan.

In our second day it was all about the Duomo Di Milano Cathedral, the largest cathedral in Italy and the fourth largest in the world. It took around six centuries to make and the result was something truly spectacular.

We purchased a ticket to enter the cathedral but also to climb to the top of it. It was a hike but well worth it. From here we could admire each of the 3400 statues that sit upon its exterior.

The interior was a marvel in its own right. The Columns were enormous and the stained glass windows were unbelievably intricate. We couldn't begin to guess how long each panel would have taken to create.

We will be back in Italy again in a couple weeks or so but for now we say goodbye as we gain a little more altitude. We're up into the Swiss alps!