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Friendship - Do we really need to make or can live without it? Yes sometimes I think friends are stress bruster but not, they are stress giver.

We are in Qatar for last 6 years. Associated with an association , BPQ , made dozens of friends . Sometimes I think that they are real friends but then realize the truth of the world. Even school friends are not real then how can they be within 6 years.

I am not a camouflage. I can’t act fake with others. We have so many WhatsApp group with many people or so called Friends. Sometimes I feel to exit from those groups. Sometimes, I feel to say goodbye to those fake people. But I can’t do that.

Do I really need those friends? Sometimes, I feel a big stone on my heart and wanted to remove that stone . But I can’t do so. I want to make my own world without fake people and friends. I don’t want to mingle with them. I don’t want to party with them. I want to free myself.

How I will do it? I don’t have any answer.