Our flight on the 19th from Bangor to Philly was with Cara & Marin, who were headed for Florida. In philly we met up with Abs and went to Chickie & Pete’s for Philly cheesesteaks. After arriving about 12:30am In Vegas on the 20th, we got back to the condo about 1:30 and stayed up and talked until about 3 and then went to bed. We only slept for a few hours and then got up. The day was rainy so we lazyed around until lunch and then went to the Yardhouse for lunch and drinks. Mike hit the casino after and Abby & Barby each played a dollar slot. Davey & Pollee flew in about 10:30, Todd picked them up from the airport and brought them to the condo. It was another late night. Didn’t go to bed until about 2.
On the 21st we got up and headed to Red Rock Canyon, we did a 4 mile hike outside the park. It was a bit chilly and cloudy, low 50s. After the hike we went to the Yardhouse to warm up and for lunch. We sat at the same table again. After lunch we went and got grocery’s before heading back to the Condo. Jana arrived shortly after us. Our plan was to head to the Hoover Damn; however, we got going a bit to late so we turned around and came back to the condo. There was a bit of sun shining on the garage when we got back so we sat out there for a bit until it went down. We had Tacos for dinner, they were very yummy. Mike and Davey went to the Casino about 10:30, when everyone else headed to bed, and got home about 3. I didn’t sleep a whole lot.. watched a few Netflix movies.
3/22 - We went to the state park for Red Rock Canyon and did about a 2 mike hike. After that we went to Yardhouse for lunch again. This time we were there for Happy Hour so We got a bunch of apps to split and share. Since it was a little nicer out, (sunny and low 60s) we sat out on the enclosed deck area. Barby, Pollee and I had a heater overhead. After lunch we headed back to the condo and took a nap. After our nap Mike, Davey, Pollee & I got up and got ready to go meet Todd on the strip. We met him at Top Golf but it was a 3.5 hour wait so we went in and got drinks and checked the place out. From there we walked around and ended up at Eataly where we had some delicious pizza. After that we went to club Hyde in the Bellagio. It overlooked the fountain so we had an awesome view of the water show! After that we made our way to Omnia, it was insanely packed as Calvin Harris was DJing. After that we headed back to the truck, looking for somewhere to grab food along the way. We finally found a place that was open, Betty’s. The fries were delish!! We walked about 5 miles or so. By the time we got home we were all feeling it! It was quite the night!!
Apparently one of my posts didn’t save yesterday 🙄
3/19: We flew out of Bangor with Cara & Marin, they were heading to Florida, and met up with Abby in Philly for the rest of our trip. Our flight was delayed by an hour so it gave us time to get some food. We went to Chickie & Pete’s for steak & cheese subs. We landed in Vegas about 12:30am, and John and Barby were there waiting for us in baggage claim. Once we got to the condo we were up for a little while and then crashed.
3/20: Not a good day for me as I wasn’t feeling the best, but luckily it was rainy and cloudy so we had a lazy day. We did manage to venture out in the afternoon for some lunch at the Yardhouse, then we came back and vegged. Todd picked Davey & Pollee up from the airport and they arrived to the condo about 11:15 or so. We were up late chatting with them.
3/21: Our first adeventure day. We headed to Red Rock Canyon and did a 4 mike round trip hike outside the park. It was cloudy and cool so we kept moving, but it was still neat to see the dessert and mountains. After we got back to the truck we headed to the Yardhouse for lunch and to warm up. After lunch we stopped for some grocery’s before heading back to the condo. Once we arrived at the condo, Jana arrived shortly after. Our plan was to go to the Hoover Damn, but it was to late, so instead we had a red neck garage party as the sun was shinning on the garage area for a bit. After the sun went down it got cold quick so we headed back inside. We had tacos for dinner and they were delish. After dinner we FaceTimed with Uncle Dave. We then put on Pen15, I fell asleep during it and when I woke up I went up to bed. Mike and Davey headed to Red Rock Casino about 10:30 and got back about 3. I watched a bunch of Netflix in the mean time.