Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

Up and out by 8am. The team did great helping pack up the car and getting out on time. Made the Sand Dunes by 11:30. Pretty drive down to the Sangre Cristo Range.

The Sand Dunes are a pretty spectacular sight to behold. The hike to the High dune is 1.5 miles in and 700ft up. Sand walking is hard. But sand walking uphill is super hard.

The kids love the beach so much and I draw the connection as to how much they would LOVE the dunes. \240Running down the dunes will probably be the highlight of the trip.

The fluidity of the sand flowing down hill, the change between warm and freezing 2 feet apart on a ridge, the seemingly endless rolling hills of sand, the 100 foot long shadows, and the freedom the kids had to wander and roam. With only a 3hr drive we will certainly be back. For the RV trip and probably a weekend of back country backpacking, and probably Jeep road car camping.

Santa Fe

Santa Fe

Breakfast In the hotel is a treat. I’d prefer to eat out somewhere nice, the food made me appreciate the Moab best western breakfast. But the convenience and happiness of the kids more than made up for it. I think I’ll take this as long I can.

Up to the roof top Pool & Hot tub. Ice covered patio chairs and steam rising from the pool greeted \240us. Without even thinking out testing the water all three kids leaped in. Thankfully it was fairly warm. \240We spent almost an hour hopping between the hot tub and pool.

The one thing Santa Fe has figured out is Art. \240Its certainly a destination for art lovers. Meow Wolf could probably only have born here. The “house of the eternal rising” is A conglomeration of 70 rooms comprised by 200 artists with a theme of a missing family where the husband seemed to have been a scientist who discovered interstellar space travel. You tour their house with secret doorways through refrigerators, closets, dryers, and a camper. Portals into the multiverse it maxes out the senses. Thankfully smells aren’t part of it. But sights, sounds, and touch are in full force. \240Lots of interactive pieces. This kids loved it. \240It was fascinating and got a great feel for an immersive exhibit. With one more in Vegas and 1 in Denver we will at least get a chance to see another version of what this unique concept is like.

Lunch was at Palacio, a local favorite. the soup was really good. Turns out I just don’t like New Mexican style food. The flavors and ingredients have lots of potential but I just can’t stand the slop on the plate style of presentation.

We walked over to Chocolate House and ordered what felt like everything on the menu. It was like a coffee shop, but with chocolate. Their ganache base was excellent and flavors very interesting. Passion fruit, chili, rose, mezcal (excellent), prickly pear, and several others. \240The hot chocolate flight was fantastic. \240Although their house special was actually the best, the chili was solid and probably something I’ll mix into a daily winter routine as a shot.

Back to the hotel for a dip in Pool & Hot Tub the kids jumped in about 50 times pretending to be super hero’s while in the air. \240The sunset from the roof rivaled the ones back home.

Dinner at Fiesta Oaxaca will end up being the best meal of the trip. Their tasting of 6 moles with chips could have been a meal on its own, not filling but just delicious. I forgot how much I love a good Oaxacan Mole.

White Sands National Park

Santa Fe -> (220miles) \240White Sands -> (180 miles) -> \240Carlsbad

Quick up and out of bed, hotel Breakfast, a favorite for the kids, “we pick what ever we want and get to go up as much as we want”

The drive out of Sante Fe was pretty. A drive into desolation. We passed an area so remote the chose it as the first place to test a nuclear bomb.

We stopped along the way at the largest lava fields on earth 42 miles long. \240Estimated to be 5000 years old.

The book PAX about a boy and his wolf kept the boys occupied for most of the drive. \240Another stop at a Subway kept the kids full.

A stop at White Sands National Park was pretty special. The Gypsum sand was so white Tommy was convinced it was snow as we drove into the park. \240After the Great Sand Dunes 3 mile round trip with 700ft of elevation, this firmer sand seeMed like it would be a breeze even though it was a 5 mile loop. Turns out the kids had so much fun running and jumping down the dunes they had gone about 2 miles before we even had gone 1. \240Thankfully we had a loop and cut across 1/2 way which actually gave a pretty remote feel.

I’ve always wanted to do a dunes hike that felt like we were in the super remote desert. This certainly had that without all the effort.

The blue sky and white sands and soft colors of the mountains were gorgeous.

These two sand dunes National Parks set a high bar for fun. All the kids wanted to stay longer and come back again.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Happy 12th Birthday to Jamie. \240Trip the a National Park, and a long car ride with audio books and games makes for a decent birthday.

Quick wake up and OUTTA there. The days inn was a bit like a roach motel from a police murder mystery.

Carrizzo Volcanic Field

The \240park drive into the Caverns was pretty. We opted to take the natural entrance which was about 1.7 miles in. What a cool walking path. Decent 700ish feet along huge caves. \240Mammoth caves in KY are cool, but with no need for a guide and the sheer size of the rooms. This far eclipses it.

It’s so far remote in NM that I really can’t see a reason to come back or go here without a trip to the white sand dunes. As a combo they are great.

We finished up in the caves for the Long drive home. \240There really isn’t much between there and home. A pit stop in the conspiracy theory haven of Rosewel NM for lunch at a taco truck. Then up to Joyful Journey Hot springs.

The Yurt was novel. It was nice, it was warm. It was not connected to the bathrooms or shower. I wasn’t happy having to bundle up in the middle of the night to pee once for me and once for Henry. \240But it was a nice one and done kind of place.

We spent the 24th in the pools and then a mid day drive home.

The pools were small and it was not busy because it was thanksgiving morning. In the future this is a decent $15 day pass and out to camp or head home. \240Not worth staying at. \240