
Just left PVD. So far still have empty seat next to me. Looking forward to NYC. The Gotham Hotel.

Still empty seat next to me. Very excited about NYC. Plan on exploring the area this evening. I have my cold weather gear. Hat gloves long Underwear. Expecting cold but clear weather mostly.

Really want to see the Christmas windows at Bergdorf Goodman’s. Fould the local places I may want. Del liquor food marts Starbucks and so on. All with 3-8 minuets of my hotel.

New Haven CT. Still sitting alone. Only 5 stops to NYC. Very relaxed already.

Next stop New Rochelle N.Y. \240last stop before my stop Penn Station. Still sitting alone very excited about being away. Oh well just lost my seat empty seat next to me it’s ok she a nice lady. She got up to take phone call since no calls in the quiet car. She came back to find two people in her seat and her belongings were there as well. I got stuck with her. Made it all the way to the second to last stop before Penn Station.