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Getting Jett to take a nap every day is my favorite time of day. It’s also my least favorite.

We go through all the feelings as I try and get her to sleep. \240Joy, frustration, laughter, boredom, insanity.

At bedtime we place her in her crib and she’s out in minutes. \240It’s glorious. \240She didn’t sleep through the night until she was 18 months I feel like \240it’s our reward for surviving that.

I could probably train her to fall asleep there for her nap too... but I don’t. \240I haven’t.

Having older kids I know how fast this stage goes.... and I do catch myself trying to soak it up more this time. So nap time is my cuddle time. And it lets me have an excuse to slow down for a bit every day, too.

Don’t get me wrong, some days I NEED her to sleep in her crib so I can get stuff done. \240And some days I just want time completely to myself...with no one touching me. Right now I’m sweating to death because she insisted on two blankets. Add in her body heat and it’s a sweltering 134 degrees in this living room.

Today she was exceptionally hard to get to go to sleep, for no apparent reason.

At first it was cute because I’d fuss at her and she’d squeeze my neck. \240One time she even reached up and gave me butterfly kisses. \240She knows how to play the game. She’s expert level rotten. \240And she’s only two.

Then she begged to lay on the couch. \240I knew it wouldn’t work but I let her try anyway. \240This was comical, but it obviously didn’t last long.

Next, I threatened with the crib and then followed through with that threat. She screamed and cried for a good 15 minutes.

I caved and went back for her. \240It was still another 20 minutes af wrestling with her but I finally hour and 52 minutes after I began.

Sweet victory.

Next week we all go back to reality. But that doesn’t mean we won’t get our nap time together, I’m hoping being back on a schedule helps!