At the Mumbai airport waiting to board our first flight to Beijing CA 890 of our trip which is already delayed.... Wonder what else is in store

Bored already !!!

Finally the flight from Mumbai took off 45 mins later than the actual departure time. Was a non eventful flight , we slept most of the journey .reached beijing at 11.30 am local time ... The airport was simple and big a lot to walk ... Everything was written in Chinese . Went to the duty free to just check out local Chinese spirits didn't quite understand what they were as everything was in Chinese ... Just had a cup of tea and bored the next flight CA 987 to LA AT 3Pm local time

Phew ! It is a long flight .. it's just seems never ending

They served us lunch and dinner ( where we were hoping to have breakfast ) . We ate beef rice and chicken noodles at 9 am US time ... Not sure we ever ate beef rice for breakfast ... Guess if you fly air china , do what the Chinese do ...

Last hour left to land and Janine is catching up some sleep

Some flight shots

We landed. The immigration was horrible. Who takes 2 hours in immigration?! Nobody. But we did. There was some faltu mobile passport control which made no sense. The entire immaigration actually made no sense but we finished by 3.30 and reached the hotel by 5.

After reaching we had a bath because bathing is important for hygiene. Then we went to an organic sandwich/burger place called ‘the wild Cauvery’ where we spilt a huge burger called ‘the king’. Mami was unsuccessful in finishing her half. What a shame.

Then we returned to the hotel and went to sleep at 8.30.

Day at Disneyland Park

We left the hotel at 7.45 am to go to Disneyland. Janine did not wake up on time but it is fine. The journey took an entire hour and there was a slight drizzle on the way.

Had breakfast at Mcdonalds and then went to the park

Started with TomorrowLand zone with the buzz light years ride

Later went to the finding Nemo submarine ride which was really cute . The ride was in a subermine and shots of the finding nemo movie recreated underwater