It was a rainy mess in Vegas!
Flee out at 7:00 am and got into Vegas at 9:00 am. Got my rental car and drove to the Vegas Convention Center to get my badge and go into CES. I had lunch with Keith at Yard House, then checked into my room at New Orleans. After I worked in my room for a bit, Keith and I had dinner at the Japanese restruant. I missed my boys!
It was a rainy mess in Vegas!
I worked at Sambalatte and enjoyed a white chocolate lanvendar latte. Then I went to the convention center (where the power went out!) and got to see some awesome booths that I did the lighting for. Then I took the monorail over to Mandalay Bay and met Keith and worked for a bit. Then I walked/took the tram over to the Crystal Shops and had dinner at Cucina - Wolfgang Pucks. Then I went back to the Orleans to work.
I checked out of the Orleans and had to find a power supply for one of Eric’s customers. Once I dropped it off, I dropped off my rental car and flew into Ontario. I drove to my parents’ house and worked there for the afternoon. We went out for diner at the Green Mango in Ontario
I worked at my parents’ house until 1:30. I took off and drove to Downtown LA and checked into my room at the Hilton Checkers. I walked up to the Poke place and did work by the pond by the Omni. Then I walked back to the room and worked out at the gym. I drove to a Mexican restaurant in Hawthorne to meet Parisa. Shefalee eventually met us after she left LAX (she was in Seattle for work). It was great to catch up with them!
Checked out of my hotel (Hilton Checkers in Downtown LA) around 9:30 and drove to Trisha’s. We walked to brunch at The Alcove ❤️. We had a great visit and I left her apartment around 12:30. I went shopping in Glendale for a small baby gift for Natasha’s shower. I arrived at her house in La Cañada at 4:00 and had a fabulous time at the shower. All the girls were there (Parisa, Shefalee with Alaya, Dorys) and no expense was spared. I left at 8:30 and drove down to Carlsbad to stay with Jaclyn at her hotel in Carlsbad.
The Alcove with Trish ❤️
AMAZING drinks! Passion fruit lavender concoction
My favorite! ❤️
Parisa’s smoking drink!
Celeste crew, minus Shef (who left a little early)
Got up at 6:00 am and headed out for the marathon! Walked the Carlsbad marathon with Jaclyn. We made it in just under 4 hours. We got Better Buzz and In-and-Out afterward. Then we went back to her hotel room, I took a shower and then took a nap. It was heavenly! I got up at 4:30 and we went to dinner at Blaze Pizza shortly after for dinner. Then I said goodbye and drove to my hotel (Courtyard Marriott in Rancho Bernardo)
Jaclyn’s filter😊
Out metals after finishing!
The view from Jaclyn’s room
I got up early to drive to Better Buzz 😊. Worked in the office, had lunch with Dan and then went to the Thorson’s for a chili dinner
The kitchen ceiling at the Thorson’s house that I liked
I met Jordan for coffee, worked in the office, left at 3:30 to play lasted tag, and then met Suzanne, Barry, and Raelene for lunch. It was so great to see them!!
I checked out of the Courtyard Marriott and headed into the office. Mikale was nice enough to get me a Better Buzz coffee 😊. Joe, Aaron and I all wore flannel, so we took a buddy picture:
I met with Anne, Greg, and Jamison all separately and left for the airport at 11:00. I grabbed Chez Nous for lunch (their amazing salad)
My flight left San Diego at 1:15. I flew into Denver and had an hour layover, before flying into RDU.