23 Amazing Travel Jobs & How To Get Them

23 Amazing Travel Jobs & How To Get Them

For many of us, COVID-19 has turned our lives into a dizzy spiral. However, it may have brought clarity as well.

What do I want to do in life? Where do I want to go? How will I get there? Am I fulfilling my sense of wanderlust? Enter the new job search or career change, and suddenly you’re googling “how to work and travel” or “travel jobs” until 2:00 am.

Google no more, we have composed a list of the best gigs for adventure. Here are 23 amazing travel jobs and how to get them. 

Farming with WWOOF

Farming with WWOOF

If you’re not familiar with WWOOF, also known as Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, it’s “a worldwide movement to link visitors with organic farmers, promote a cultural and educational exchange, and build a global community conscious of ecological farming and sustainability practices.”

This is a great opportunity for you to see a new place in exchange for accommodation and food. Many farms around the world are looking for long term stays and help on the farm.

In exchange, you get accommodation, food, and many times, people who are looking to offer advice and take you to their favorite local spots. You do not need experience to sign up with WWOOF.

Content Creator/Blogger

Content Blogger

For many people, blogging, writing, and vlogging about their travels have given them enough support to keep traveling. A role like this does not necessarily take a special degree or certification, however, the more you expose yourself to travel bloggers and creators, the better.

See what people like to learn or watch, and put your own spin on it. The Remote Work Wealth Club offers great courses on writing, blogging, video creating, and more — try it free for 14 days. Once you have ideas going, you’ll be able to really hone in on what you want to say, your tone, your voice, and your style.

Stick with a style and you might get a little bit of a following! Practice and consistency are key! 

Travel Photographer

Travel Photographer

Photographers are lucky to have flexibility in what they create, similar to a content creator. The higher the quality of the photos you take/edit, the more attention they will get. There are plenty of great ways to take and edit photos that don’t require spending tons of money, and there are plenty of ways to do just that.

If you’re passionate about photography, it may be worth it to invest in a nice camera and lens’. If you’re unsure if photography should be your new career, consider a digital camera or upgrading your cellphone, even cell phones these days take amazing photos.

If you want to dig deeper, our friend Nomadic Matt’s course discusses this in detail. Alternatively, watch Youtube videos to learn the basics and read how others learned: practice is number one! 

Teach English Abroad

Teach English

We’ve reminded you of all the ways you can teach English online with no experience, and we’re here to say that you can teach it abroad too! What a better way to learn about a new country than to teach the children that live there.

They’ll teach you a bit too! Taking a TEFL Certification course is the best way to get started. 

Tour Guide

Become a tour guide for a company that takes trips across the globe. You’ll study hard to be the best guide you can be, but we’re sure you’ll have fun doing it too.

If you like speaking in front of crowds or simply teaching others, this is the perfect fit to do that and travel. Don’t forget you can too. 😉


Do you love learning a foreign language? Do you read, write, and sing in a language that isn’t your own? Consider becoming a translator, these jobs are found in all kinds of realms and job sites.

If you are bilingual or eager to learn and teach a new language, consider a job like this. Utilize online resources, watch movies, listen to music, and immerse yourself into a new language.

The more you know about a country’s culture and geography, the better you will be able to market yourself as a translator. Be prepared to practice, take tests, and prove yourself. 

Backpacker Hostel Workers


One way to travel and work is to work at hostels. Hostels with multiple locations may offer the opportunity to travel to those other spots, or at least hook you up with accommodation for free or at a discounted rate.

The best part is, you’ll be meeting locals, other travelers, learning about a new place, and making money too! You do not need experience for all jobs in a hostel, however, some hostels may prefer it or require it. 

Flight Attendant

Flight Attendant

If you like flying and have patience, consider becoming a flight attendant. The perks of these jobs usually include plenty of flights and flexibility. If you can handle the sometimes rude or cranky people on a flight, then this job is for you! If not, keep scrolling.

Whether working for a domestic or an international airline, you will be able to see more of the world as you’ll be flying a lot more often. Check out The 101 On How to Become a Flight Attendant

House Sitters

House Sitter

House sitting jobs exist across the world. When people go away for a week, a month, or a year, they want to pay a trusted individual to water the plants, bring in the mail, and keep an eye on their property.

How much fun would it be to watch someone’s home in a new place, adventure on your own, and have a comforting place to stay with no strangers?! Unless you have a connection, experience, and good ratings will help you get the house sitting jobs you dream of. 

Au Pair

Au Pair

Working as an Au Pair in another country is a great way to see the world. Using sites for au pair jobs, you can find somewhere you want to go, and stay for an extended period of time. Maybe a few months or a year.

We should mention this job is usually for people who like to watch children or have experience doing so, otherwise, it may not be the right fit. Also, look into sites for dog and cat sitters too.

Who knows, you might end up watching someone’s poodles on an island in Hawaii! 

Yoga Instructor/Fitness Instructor

Yoga And Fitness Instructor

Teaching a fitness class or a yoga class is valuable across the world, and it’s a great way to make some income while travelling. Consider asking hotels and hostels if they are in need of an instructor or a fill-in instructor.

There’s also the possibility of teaching fitness classes in gyms, in office buildings during lunch hours, or privately. Look into different kinds of certifications, some may fit better in your budget than others. 

Cruise Ship Positions

Cruise Ship

The list of cruise ship positions simply goes on and on, but it is one terrific way to see the world by sea. You can be a cruise director, a cleaning employee, a chef, a dancer, or an entertainer – there are so many positions to fill.

You’ll enjoy the ocean and see several ports depending on where you cruise to.

Scuba Diving Instructor

Scuba Instructor

You might want to see the world through a different lens. If that’s the case, consider becoming a scuba diving instructor. Not only will you see the world in a different way, but you’ll see a whole new world of fish and undersea life.

The big blue ocean is different all over the globe, and being a scuba instructor, you may get to see all parts of it! The beaches off of California, the Great Barrier Reef, and whale watching in Alaska, all waiting for you.

Traveling Nurse

Travel Nurse

2020 is absolutely the year of the nurse, and it’s not going to stop there. Nurses and other medical professionals are able to travel and work from almost anywhere.

Travel nurses usually work for independent staffing agencies, where they are then assigned to different care areas on a temporary basis to fill in short-term employment gaps.

This job brings freedom, flexibility, and plenty of new places.

WorkAway Odd Jobs

Similar to WWOOF, WorkAway is a great resource for finding odd jobs all over the globe. You can search for au pair jobs, farming jobs, all different kinds of positions.

You will most likely be paid with accommodation and food in exchange for the work that you do. You do not need experience to work the jobs on WorkAway. 

Peace Corps Volunteer

Volunteering with the Peace Corps makes traveling and volunteering easy. The Peace Corps serves over 60 countries across the globe.

The Peace Corps mission is to promote world peace and friendship by fulfilling three goals: to help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women, to help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served, and to help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

You receive a monthly living allowance when you work as a volunteer with the Peace Corps. 

Yacht Sailing

Yacht Sailing

Working on a private yacht or a commercial yacht, you can travel too! The world is filled with yachts and boats that need sailing, so why not be the captain? 

Check out FindACrew.net for boats looking for crew now!

Travel Agent

Travel Agent

Many of us no longer use travel agents, because of the handy-dandy internet, however, there are still plenty of people out there who need help planning their trips. As a travel agent, you can put into practice the places and tours that you preach about.

Travel agents often visit the places they are recommending so they can give the best advice and recommendations. 



Bartending is a strong field of work because there are bars everywhere! From hotels, hostels, to private bars and public bars, bartenders are always needed.

If you have experience working at a bar, you might not necessarily need a bartending license, but always do your research first. It will pay off to get a bartending license to widen your options.


 Stage Hand

Stagehands assist with concerts, in theatres, at music festivals, you name it. A stagehand can work for one place or travel with the show they are working on – which could mean a year around the United States, Europe, Asia, you name it!

Work experience is the most beneficial detail on your resume if you’re shooting for one of these gigs. It would also help if you have a background in theater, design, video, audio, etc. 



Just like a bartender, baristas are needed all across the globe. Coffee and tea make the world go ‘round. If you have any experience working at a coffee shop or creating beautiful latte creations and images, you can go find a coffee shop job in another country. 

International Aid Worker

Consider working as an international aid worker with organizations like USAID, Care International, or the World Food Programme. You will be helping those in need around the world, but you will need a background in health, agriculture, education, or social work to get started. 

Remote Work

Remote Work

Last but certainly not least on our list of amazing travel jobs, is the general area of ‘remote work.’ There are tons of jobs you can work remotely, meaning you can essentially work from anywhere in the world depending on the position.

Some employers may require you are in the same timezone as them, which will limit you somewhat. The opportunities for remote work are endless! 

Check out our ultimate starter’s guide to remote work: Digital Nomad Secrets. With this step-by-step guide in hand, you have everything you need to put money in the bank account from anywhere in the world.

Now that you’ve seen our list of the most amazing travel jobs and how to get them, which will you be looking into? Did we miss any? Leave us a comment below! 

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